Homoeopathy is a system of medicine founded by the celebrated physician Dr.
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) of Germany. It is based on the principle that
"like cures like". In practice, this means that a medicine capable of
producing certain effects when taken by a healthy human being is capable of
curing any illness that displays similar effects.
For example, if a healthy person takes a dose of Arsenic, he will develop
vomiting, diarrhoea of rice-water stools, a rapid pulse and prostration. His
skin will become cold and his expression anxious. In smaller doses or when
taken for a longer time, he will develop a running nose, heavy head, cough
and bronchial catarrh. Even later there will be specific disturbances of skin
and nerves. He will have burning all over which is relieved by warmth,
frequent thirst for sips of water, fear of death, restlessness and a
worsening of symptoms at noon and midnight.
According to the homeopathic law that "like cures like", countless patients
displaying such symptoms have been cured by Arsenicum, irrespective of the
name of the disease (cholera, colds, eczema, asthma, etc.). This principle
has also been mentioned by the ancient Indian poet Kavi-Kalidasa:.
Shruyate hi pura loke, vishaya visham aushadam.
Translated, this read: "It has been said of old time in the world that poison
is the remedy for poison." Hippocrates postulated this principle in the
words: "Similia similibus curentur" (likes are cured by likes).
The practice of Homoeopathy convinces the physician to regard the body as
more than a sum of its parts. Unlike a machine, it develops, carries on its
function and repairs itself independently. In this sense, everyone carries
within himself his own doctor. Ancient physicians were familiar with is
natural power of the organism to control disease and they invented for it a
beautiful expression: "Vis medicatrix naturae" (healing power of nature).
This healing power is a function of the life force itself. Hahnemann called
it the vital force. Disease is a disturbance of this force. Out of ten people
who get wet in the rain, only one gets pneumonia. Most bacteria can affect us
only when our own healing power or resistance is low. By removing the
bacteria (by antibiotics, etc.) we are doing nothing to correct this lack of
resistance. Homoeopathic medicine aims at correcting the disturbed vital
force and thus enhances the power of the body to heal itself. It does not aim
at removing the symptoms of the parts affected, but treats the cause and
restores health. According to Homoeopathy, symptoms are a reflection of the
disturbed vital force.
Physical health, closely bound up with psychological health, is greatest in
those having reached a high degree of maturity and realization of potentials,
a state also referred to as self-actualization. In his study of
psychologically healthy people, the psychologist Abraham Maslow determined
ten basic shared aspects that were characteristic of these people. These
aspects crystallize those attributes of the personality that signify
psychological health and represent a fully self-actualized personality.
These aspects are:
1. Being-motivation and being-values
2. Awareness of inner nature
3. Acceptance of self and resolution of dichotomies
4. Self-expression and creativeness
5. Identification with human species and democratic character structure
6. Improved interpersonal relations
7. Heightened perception and experience of reality and the environment
8. Detachment and autonomy
9. Self-transcendence
10. Imperfections
These aspects can be grouped under Bach's seven groups of mental/ emotional
The remedies appearing in the different groups are then recognized as leading
to one or several aspects of psychological health. The aspects of
being-values and being-motivation, though most fittingly grouped under Bach's
group of UNCERTAINTY, underlie all major aspect of psychological health and
weave through all of Bach's groups. Being-values represent the true values of
existence in an ethical, experiential, and spiritual sense, while
being-motivation is the call to destiny, however humble, and is expressed in
the heartfelt motivation to enrich the world and its people. Maslow contrasts
being-values and being-motivation with deficiency-values and
deficiency-motivation. The disharmonious personality, seeking for
satisfaction of the self and neglecting devotion toward others, is motivated
by deficiencies and hence less engaged in activating deeper values,
aspirations, and inner potentials.
The aspect of imperfections points to the necessary imperfections we all
share, since a perfectly and continually well-balanced personality is hardly
encountered. Yet, self-actualized people were found to be aware of their
imperfections and able to rise above them, whereas deficiency-motivated
people were more prone to be subjected to them. Bach remedies further growth
in awareness and wholesome mastery of imperfections, while increasing
aspiration toward values and instilling motivation and devotion to service in
the world.
Specifically, Bach's seven groups of remedies heal the respective
mental/emotional imbalances that, when cleared, enable the self to grow
toward psychological health and the experience of the characteristic aspects
of self-actualization. The following list shows the aspects of
self-actualization that can unfold as the imbalances inherent in the seven
groups clear.
$$I1BACH'S GROUPS: - Aspects Of Self-Acutalization:$$B0
1. FOR THOSE WHO HAVE FEAR: - Self-transcendence.
2. FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER UNCERTAINTY: - Awareness of inner nature;
self-expression and creativeness; being-values and being-motivation.
3. NOT SUFFICIENT INTEREST IN PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES: - Heightened perception and experience of reality.
4. LONELINESS: - Improved interpersonal relations; identification with human
species and democratic character structure.
6. FOR DESPONDENCY OR DESPAIR: - Acceptance of self and resolution of
7. OVERCARE FOR WELFARE OF OTHERS: - Improved interpersonal relations;
identification with human species and democratic character structure.
The different angles of imbalance within each one of Bach's groups, and how
each respective remedy paves the way to the aspired aspect of
self-actualization, are described as follows:
For Those Who Have Fear
Rock Rose helps to transcend terror and panic and overcomes nervous
Mimulus treats everyday fears of concrete or known content and helps to
transcend shyness.
Cherry Plum raises the mind above dreaded impulses and compulsive thoughts
that threaten to overtake reason and inner calm.
Aspen transcends vague fears of unknown origin and heals a tendency to
superstitions and forebodings.
Red Chestnut transcends fears for another and helps to release the other to
For Those Who Suffer Uncertainty
Cerato instills recognition of higher wisdom and values, furthers
self-assurance and awareness of one's inner nature, and empowers
the selfinto creative self-expression.
Scleranthus relieves a tendency to indecisiveness and vacillation between
options, while calming a mind overstimulated with details and impressions.
Gentian counteracts discouragement, gives faith in one's abilities, grants
perseverance and the grounding of creativity into actualized form.
Gorse removes hopelessness and uncertainty and reestablishes contact with
one's inner resources of incentive and creativity.
Hornbeam helps in lassitude and mental fatigue when the patient experiences
diminished strength and a lack of incentive to rise to the daily challenges.
Wild Oat helps to discover aspirational values and one's potentials,
stimulating movement into fully motivated and fulfilled self-expression.
Not Sufficient Interest In Present Circumstances
Clematis is for those dreaming of a bright, fulfilled future, while the
present is empty of incentive or joy.
Honeysuckle heals the tendency to dwell wistfully on former happiness, while
the present and future is believed to be barren of such joys.
Wild Rose helps to rise above apathy and helplessness so that one's happiness
can be forged again.
Olive renews strength in those persons deeply exhausted in mind, emotions,
and body. It restores the power of living fully in the present.
White Chestnut relieves a mind preoccupied and buried in worrisome thought
and removed from the reality of the present moment.
Mustard heals depression and withdrawal from reality and rekindles incentive
and joy.
Chestnut Bud helps a mind prone to impulsiveness and inattentiveness to gain
in focus and concentration on the present moment.
Water Violet is indicated for the proud, reserved individual who sets himself
above others and is reluctant to spontaneously mix with others.
Impatiens helps to be more patient and understanding of the individual pace
of others and be less tense and driven.
Heather heals the urge to overly engage in conversation about one's personal
problems, while disregarding the other's need to share.
Oversensitive To Influences And Ideas
Agrimony heals heightened sensitivity to outside disturbances and
interruptions in peace. It releases the tendency to suppress and deny
conflicts for the sake of peace, those conflicts occurring in one's
environment or within oneself.
Centaury helps those overly seeking to serve and please others, while
neglecting their personal path in life.
Walnut lessens heightened impressionability of the mind to outside influences
such as trends or fads, and it safeguards authentic self-expression.
Holly shields from heightened sensitivity to vexation and easily aroused
emotional vehemence, especially in regard to hatred, envy, jealousy, or
For Despondency Or Despair
Larch overcomes the tendency to feel inferior to others and hampered in
self-esteem and capacity.
Pine heals excessive self-reproach and feelings of guilt.
Elm heals feelings of being overwhelmed and unable to master one's tasks.
Sweet Chestnut restores faith and a sense of meaning and purpose in a self
given to nihilistic despair.
Star of Bethlehem helps to integrate grief and trauma to a point of
resolution and new joy.
Willow helps to accept one's unfortunate fate, overcomes resentment and
blame, and instills forgiveness.
Oak helps those overly adhering to self-discipline, while being unable to
accept personal weakness, even in face of hardship.
Crab Apple is indicated in feelings of shame and self-disgust when one's self
cannot be accepted fully and one cannot rise above the despairing condition.
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